A Way Forward to Deal with Subject Matter Expert
The best way to proceed (in my humble opinion) is three pronged:
Learn everything
Immerse myself in the business domain to get up to speed with the business jargon, practises and the requirements for the existing problem. This runs in parallel to the other activities. This is necessary to give myself half a chance of keeping up and avoiding slowing things down purely for my benefit.
Rapidly home in on the ‘obvious’ areas of change or new work against the existing requirement set
Use the subject matter experts to identify the ‘obvious’ areas of change or new work against the existing requirement set in an initial workshop
Run workshops that walk through the existing proposal from end to end, identify areas of concern, explore at length and generate initial requirements
Perform due diligence against the requirements
Review requirements arising from previous workshop and address quality issues. In particular, where requirements are really solutions then drive out the rationale or the underlying requirement
Walk through a wider variety of scenarios with all stakeholders to determine any additional requirements
Communicate Then Act
Before I proceed with this plan, I must have some face to face time with the SME in business project to explain my point of view and the risks that are being addressed. They need to understand and be behind the approach.